There are various ways car accidents can happen and several factors that can contribute to their severity. Being aware of what can cause an accident may be enough to help you avoid encountering one yourself. Motor vehicle collisions can lead to psychological distress, life-altering injuries, and major financial setbacks. Do not let yourself go without compensation if another driver or entity was responsible for your accident. Contact a Tennessee car accident lawyer to figure out whether you can file a personal injury lawsuit.

Dangerous Driving Conditions

There are several conditions which affect the road, car, and driver that could potentially lead to a single or multi-car accident. Poor weather conditions, like rain, snow, or sleet, can make highway surfaces slippery, turning sharp turns, lane passes, and other normal driving behaviors into risky ones because tires can only obtain so much traction with the road. Rural roads with loose gravel, rocks, and grass can create similar risk factors, causing cars to lose traction and flip over.

Different functions of a car will experience errors and failures at unexpected times, regardless of whether you are driving or not. That is why manufacturers now incorporate all sorts of lights to warn the driver of potential danger. If you do not recognize the light, take it seriously and check your car manual for the light’s meaning. A faulty engine or brake pad system could mean an accident.

No driver is perfect, especially new and inexperienced ones. Teen auto accidents tend to happen due to a lack of experience at the wheel. Some teens avoid using seatbelts or following proper steering wheel use because they do not believe they will be involved in a wreck.

Types of Impaired Driving

There are three main types of impaired driving that have been widely known to cause car accidents. Distracted driving, drowsy driving, and intoxicated driving have all been categorized over the past few decades as extremely risky driving behaviors.

Distracted driving means using a cell phone, GPS, or another electronic device while driving. This activity takes the eyes away from the road. It only takes a few seconds or less to miss a turn or veer into the wrong lane. Drivers have also been known to be distracted by talking on the phone (even via a hands-free headset) or to a passenger.

Drowsy driving reduces the amount of attention one can place on driving, decreases response time, and can dull decision making, creating situations like drivers turning at the last minute on a highway. Many people have been known to fall asleep at the wheel without realizing it. Pull over if you feel like you may not be able to make it to your destination.

Drugs and alcohol can both impair driving significantly. Vision, hearing, and reaction time can be all affected by these substances.