When trying to figure out how to handle the aftermath of a car accident, you may be wondering what types of personal injuries warrant significant compensation. Almost any kind of injury caused by the negligence of someone else is something that demands compensation, but severe injuries may demand additional compensation. These are the kind of injuries that cause distress, disabilities, pain and suffering, and prolonged treatments. Be sure to talk to a Tennessee car accident lawyer if you suffered any of the following injuries.  

Physical Injuries from Car Accidents

Bone fractures, burns, and soft tissue injuries are some of the most common physical injuries after a car accident. Each may require brief or long-term treatment with a short or long recovery time depending on the severity.  

Some bone fractures can heal within a month or two, but serious fractures that involve shattered bones or multiple breaks can

lead to months of recovery. This can put people with physically demanding jobs out of work for a significant period of time. Lost wages on top of medical bills can add up to daunting financial setbacks.  

Burns work the same way. Some can heal on their own, but severe third-degree or higher burns can put people out of work because of the pain and treatment they require to recover. Strong pain medications can make people drowsy and disoriented with slower thinking. Many severe burns require surgery with skin grafts and long periods in the hospital to prevent infections.  

are often not as serious because they can heal with rest, ice, and compression. Sprains and strains are examples of soft tissue injuries. Strains involve damaged muscles or tendons and sprains involve damaged ligaments. Torn muscles or ligaments can lead to surgical treatments with longer recovery times. Depending on the site of the injury, a person may not be able to walk or use their hand properly for a certain amount of time.  

Injuries That Affect Mental Functions

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spinal cord injuries, and chronic whiplash pain can all affect a person’s mental functions. Some may be temporary, whereas others can become lifelong impairments.  

TBIs and spinal cord injuries are the most common causes of permanent mental impairments. Once the damage is done, reversing said damage can be close to impossible. In many cases, the damage is irreversible. These injuries can cause problems with walking, talking, breathing, thinking, sensation, and movement.

 is probably one of the most well-known side effects of a car accident. Although many people do not realize how chronic whiplash pain can impair daily activities. Pain that persists can lead to problems with concentration, sleep, memory, and attention. This can make office jobs and any other jobs that require mental skills difficult.