Many conflicts that lead to divorce can continue long after the divorce has been finalized. These conflicts can make co-parenting difficult for parents who want to stay in touch with their kids, continue to help raise them, or who have acquired limited visitation rights. There are certain ways this conflict can be managed to ensure the children continue to move through their healthy development. Court orders like visitation schedules or custody may interfere with co-parenting. Talk to a Tennessee family law lawyer if you have questions about visitation rights or child custody and are thinking about changing them.

Healthy Co-Parenting 

Too much conflict can lead to developmental or psychological problems in children. This is why learning healthy ways to co-parenting is vital for maintaining a healthy environment for your child. A good rule of thumb is to avoid arguing or

discussing divorce disagreements in front of the kids. Doing this only reminds them of your divorce and may stir up old negative feelings.

Following the court orders can prevent partner conflict, but withholding visitation rights or breaching visitation rights by visiting at the wrong time or too often can lead to conflict, which can affect the children. You may see a conflict between you and your former partner, but children see their parents arguing over who should or should not raise them as their parents.

If you find that despite your efforts to avoid conflicts in front of the kids, the conflicts continue, consider writing down what happens during these conflicts. Document how often these conflicts happen in front of the kids and how often you have tried to prevent this. This may be helpful when you want to talk to a lawyer about changing a court order or to a counselor about ways to manage conflicts.

Visitation Rights and Court Interference

Common court orders after a divorce that involves children are visitation rights and child custody. Child custody can involve either full or joint custody. Full custody means one parent will raise the child while the other may or may not have visitation rights with certain children. Joint custody allows both parents to take turns raising the child, which may or may not be scheduled. Any parent who has custody has the right to make decisions for the children until they reach the legal age of consent.

Visitation rights grant one parent a certain amount of time they can spend with their children. This may mean they can see their children over the weekends or only on holidays. However, visitation rights can be limited or revoked if a parent engages in abuse, neglect, or other forms of mistreatment.