Many people who find themselves stuck with a criminal record for something as minor as a DUI charge or as serious as an assault charge may be wondering if there is any way out of the negative effects that come with such a record. As many people with a criminal record already know, this kind of record can affect their ability to attain a job, be accepted into a university, and live in certain areas. Depending on what is on their criminal record, some people may face more obstacles in life than others. Talk to a Tennessee criminal law lawyer about expungement if you have faced similar problems.  

Basics of an Expungement

In the most basic terms,  is the removal of your criminal record. However, the process of expungement is more complicated than that. Expungement only removes your criminal record from the public’s view to a certain extent,

meaning the state and federal record. Your criminal records are still technically accessible by police and may still be available online through the press or social media. This means the courts cannot stop the press from discussing your criminal history. 

The good news is that expungements can often help alleviate the negative effects of a criminal record. This may make being hired at a job or being accepted into college easier. However, not every crime may be able to be expunged and the process for obtaining an expungement can be complex depending on your record.

To receive an expungement, a court or judge has to order an expungement proceeding. Each state has different laws for who is eligible for expungement and what types of records will be removed from the public. Talking to an experienced lawyer about what your state’s laws are can help you know what to expect during your expungement proceeding. 

How Does a Criminal Record Affect Me?     

Felonies and misdemeanors can both affect a person’s life in various ways. Having a visible  may affect your employment and educational opportunities. You may be fired, denied jobs or scholarships, or outright prohibited from applying for certain loans or to certain universities. Depending on the type of criminal record you have, you may also be denied government benefits, program participation, or housing. Driving records may also be affected. 

Almost any of these negative effects can significantly impact a person’s freedom to make a living or start fresh after being released from prison. Recovering after paying for a crime can be challenging enough, but trying to navigate through the many obstacles posed by a criminal record can be overwhelming. Working with the right lawyer may be enough to help you receive the expungement you need.