When you are going through a divorce or other family conflicts in Tennessee, you may be wondering when your parental rights can be revoked by the state. Having your parental rights taken away means you will no longer be able to either see your children, raise your children, or have the power to make legal decisions for your children. Knowing when your parental rights can be suspended and when they can be reinstated is helpful information for protecting your rights. When you have questions or concerns about this, a Tennessee Family Law lawyer is prepared to answer them.

When My Parent Rights Can Be Taken

Parent rights are often taken for granted. They allow you to raise your child in your home, make legal decisions for your child when it comes to medical procedures or registering for school, and they let you spend time with your child. Losing your parental rights can be a rude awakening because no one expects to lose their child, especially if the cause involves false allegations.

Knowing what can make you lose your parental rights will help you avoid going through this kind of emotional experience. This can also help you be wary of false allegations. Tennessee law lists certain grounds for termination of parental rights. These decisions are all made with the best interests of the child.

Parental rights can be revoked when the family court suspects or has evidence of:

  • Child abandonment
  • Physical, sexual, or psychological abuse
  • Neglect
  • Parent has been in prison for at least 10 years and the child is under eight years old
  • Parent imprisoned for the wrongful death of the other parent
  • The court deems the parent mentally incompetent
  • Failure to pay child support or visit the child
  • Has not kept up with legal or physical custody responsibilities for the child

The mentally incompetent grounds for termination can be confusing. This often means the parent is either struggling with a mental disability or mental illness that impairs their ability to raise the child.

Can I Restore My Parent Rights?

Restoring your parental rights works differently depending on your state laws. Some states will issue parental rights reinstatement when it can be demonstrated that reinstating these rights would be in the best interests of the child and the parent has been sufficiently rehabilitated. Other states require the parent to file a petition with the court and some states only allow this for older children.

In Tennessee, this process can be complicated. Do not hesitate to contact a family lawyer if you are having trouble with regaining your rights.

Family Law Lawyer in Tennessee

Losing your parental rights during a divorce case or family conflict can be one of the hardest things to go through when you are close to your kids. Call Davis Law Firm at 865-354-3333 to speak with a Family Law lawyer in Tennessee today. We are currently located in McMinnville, Johnson City, Sparta, Kingston, Crossville, Cookeville, and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to help you defend your rights.